Construction accessories
    Grade rings
    Press work & Punching
    Tube Bending&Manipulation
    Welding parts
    Flame cutting parts
    JA Manufacture Ability
  We have punching machines and hydraulic machines. The capacity is from 16T to 160T, with in house tooling, we have already developed all kinds of stamping prducts like lifting anchors......
Add:82 Huichang Road, Huishan District, Wuxi   Manager:Jianan Xu (0)13906179958
Sales:13606196516  Tel:+86-0510-88702525 88708098  Fax:+86-0510-88226689 88703874
WEBSITE BY JUNTONG.NET   苏ICP备06018804号 苏公安备:32020502000051
友情链接: 钢格板 港口吊 披萨加盟 保护膜厂家 拉绳开关 除尘器 锅炉 喷雾干燥机 平板夯 吸附式干燥机 醇基涂料 风扇电磁离合器 工业冷气机 气浮机 吊篮 输送机 色母料 卧螺离心机 移动堆料机